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Books & Bites in McMinnville, Oregon

Bierly Brewing 624 NE 3rd St, McMinville, OR, United States

Come join me on Friday, July 26th at 6 PM for "Books & Bites" with Third Street Books and Bierly Brewing in McMinnville, Oregon. 

Ashland Mystery Fest 2024

Thursday, October 17th to Sunday, October 20th: the Ashland Mystery Fest in Ashland, Oregon. Last year's festival was a BLAST, and I'm sure 2024 is going to be equally awesome with even more authors and events!

The Traveling Book Bus in Yakima, Washington

The exact details are TBA , but I'm doing an event with the Traveling Book Bus on Saturday! I'm pretty sure the amazing Tamara Berry will also be there.

Oregon Historical Society’s annual Holiday Cheer

Come find me at the Oregon Historical Society's annual Holiday Cheer! I'll be there with my books and happy to chat with anyone who stops by.

In addition to the opportunity to meet a ton of Oregon authors, you can drink hot cocoa, eat cookies, and listen to carols performed by the Dickens Carolers.

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